The Benefits of Elderly Pet Ownership

sana abbas
3 min readJun 19, 2023


Can we just be real? Getting older can be very lonely. When friends and loved ones move or die, it gets harder and harder to get out of the house and do things you used to enjoy. However, there is one source of companionship and comfort that is beneficial to seniors in numerous ways: pets.

According to research, pet owners lead healthier lifestyles than non-pet owners. Particularly dog owners are more likely to take their dogs for daily walks, which contributes to a healthier body as a whole. Possessing a pet has a number of health benefits for seniors, including lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and improved cardiovascular function. Also, animal people are considerably bound to participate in better weight control plans than others.

Below, we will discuss the physical, social, and emotional benefits of elderly pet ownership:

Physical Benefits

Improved Activity

With a pet, you can get in more exercise and physical activity, which has numerous health benefits, by playing, walking, or grooming them.

Healthy Behavior

Pet owners typically take better care of themselves. By encouraging owners to eat regularly or complete chores and other tasks, taking care of a pet helps to establish a routine. Frequent communication with a pet can bring down circulatory strain and cholesterol, diminishing the risk of cardiovascular infection.

Social & Emotional Benefits

Increased Interaction — Decreased Loneliness

Senior pet walkers have more opportunities to interact with their neighbors and get out of the house. Seniors who are isolated have a source of affection, conversation, and activity in the form of pets.

Mental Health

It has been noted that interacting with animals lowers blood pressure and lowers cortisol levels, a hormone linked to stress. Animals have been shown to improve mood, increase feelings of social support, and reduce feelings of loneliness in other studies.

Stress Relief

Serotonin, a stress-relieving “feel-good” hormone, rises when people spend time with pets. It likewise gives actual contact, which assists with calming nervousness.

Better Self-Esteem

For seniors deterred by their age, appearance, or restricted capabilities, pets are welcome companions, reminding seniors that they are as still equipped for being adored and required.

Sense of Purpose

Getting out of bed in the morning is motivated by the company of an animal. Pets eliminate feelings of worthlessness and helplessness, which helps alleviate depression symptoms. Seniors’ mental health improves when they know that they are loved and needed.


However, there are a few things that need to be considered before getting a pet. When a pet passes away, people may also experience a lot of grief. Different aspects also include expense, time, and conduct issues that might prompt further pressure, nervousness, and forlornness. Despite the need to consider these things, many of them can be reduced or avoided with proper management.

