Effective Ways To Overcome An Anxiety Attack

sana abbas
4 min readJun 19, 2023


The body’s natural reaction to a perceived threat or danger is anxiety. However, there are instances when it becomes too much to bear, and an anxiety attack results. Shortness of breath, an elevated heart rate, and sweating are a few symptoms that may result from this. Attacks of anxiety may be terrifying and overpowering, making sufferers feel helpless and uncontrollable.

The statistic shows the percentage of American adults who used specific stress-reduction methods in 2013 and how well they worked. Despite a lack of understanding, stress can affect general health. High-stress levels can deplete the body’s energy and impair the immune system. Teenagers frequently experience stress related to school.

Fortunately, there are methods one may use to successfully combat an anxiety attack. Here are some practical ways to overcome an anxiety attack:

Breathing Exercises

Shortness of breath is one of the main signs of an anxiety episode. You can regulate your breathing and reduce your heart rate by engaging in deep breathing exercises. Breathing more slowly might help you feel less panicked and more at ease. Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose, then slowly let out through your mouth. Once you begin to feel more at ease, continue doing this for a few minutes.


Exercises in mindfulness can help you be mindful of the current moment and prevent your mind from racing with intrusive ideas. Try to concentrate on your breathing while focusing on your body’s sensations. To assist in achieving a calmer state of mind, you might also wish to try a guided meditation or a mindfulness app.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Every muscle in your body should be tensed, then released. Find the parts of your body, such as your shoulders, jaw, or hands, that are tense. Start by tightening and then relaxing those muscles. Be sure to hold each contraction for a couple of seconds before you let it go. You may relieve tension and worry from your body by engaging in this workout.

Positive Self Talk

Anxiety can be increased by negative ideas. Replace your anxious thoughts with empowering affirmations to combat them. Tell yourself you have the strength, power, and capacity to manage the circumstance rather than telling yourself you can’t. This may be a potent strategy for combating anxiety attacks and replacing negative ideas.


You can assist yourself focus on something else when experiencing an anxiety attack by distracting yourself. Read a book, engage in a hobby, or listen to music. Engaging in fun activities might help you feel less anxious and get your mind off of other things.

Create a Fear Ladder

The road to anxiety recovery is long. You may develop the courage to face your anxieties by making a list of the things that make you anxious and gradually exposing yourself to those things. List the scenarios that make you anxious at the beginning, ranking them from least to most anxious. Work up to confronting the most difficult circumstances that were previously intolerable or overwhelming by starting with those that cause you to feel somewhat apprehensive.

Get Support

When anxiety becomes too much to handle or starts to disrupt your everyday activities, you might want to consider getting assistance from loved ones, friends, or professionals. You may build long-term methods to manage your anxiety and combat anxiety attacks with the help of professional guidance.


Although anxiety episodes can be upsetting, there is no one-size-fits-all cure. Any of the aforementioned methods can assist you in properly coping with and managing your anxiety. Finding what works best for you is the best course of action. Knowing what works best for you might help make your road to recovery more manageable because various strategies work for different people. Regular use of these exercises will assist your body and mind retain the techniques you need to use to get through tense situations. The goal of managing anxiety is to learn how to live with it healthily rather than completely getting rid of it. Use these strategies whenever you experience an anxiety episode for the most beneficial results.

